Get under your skin with these cool skincare tools.
A new year heading our way and with it comes the itch to shed our shells and prep our profiles for the fresh road ahead. These home tools put the power of complexion perfection in your hands.
A warning though: If you have sensitive or easily irritated skin, be sure to consult an aesthetician or dermatologist before powering up these tools for home skincare use.
Le Mieux Skin Perfecter
This handheld device transcends ordinary cleansing by combining four treatments into one ultrasonic beauty tool. The micro-massage action provides 28,000 ultrasonic vibrations per second to cleanse, tone and stimulate the skin while accelerating the absorption of skincare treatments. Plus, the Skin Perfecter is easy to use and doesn’t require brushes, cartridges or discs. In clinical studies performed over two weeks, 100% of participants showed an immediate improvement in skin exfoliation, 84% saw improvement in overall skin appearance, 80% saw brighter skin, 69% saw an increase in radiance and luminosity, 65% saw an improvement in the appearance of skin texture and smoothness, and 50% saw a marked decrease in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Translation: Sign me up.
$225 at skinperfecter.com
Foreo Luna for Men
The Sweden-based Luna for Men channels up to 8,000 sonic pulsations across men’s tough dermal layer through broad silicone touch-points tailored to suit male skin. The slick device drives out impurities, while protecting the skin’s moisture barrier. Not only does this refresh the look of your skin, it helps prevent razor burn and other forms of skin irritation. The Luna for Men power tool is 100% waterproof with 450 uses from a single charge. As the world’s first ever pre-shaving and deep cleansing device for men with what the company calls T-Sonic technology, the device does not require replacement brush heads. (And yes, they have devices made for women too!)
$199 at foreo.com
Trophy Skin MicrodermMD
A do-it-yourself home microdermabrasion device, the MicrodermMD system delivers an in-clinic exfoliating experience yet is easy enough to tackle on your own in about five minutes. The MicrodermMD device has a dual-action method that works by both exfoliating the skin through the diamond-tipped wand and using a vacuum motor to gently buff away top layers of skin. With continued use, the device minimizes skin discoloration, acne scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, sun damage and uneven skin texture. Read our review.
$299 at trophyskin.com
Clarisonic Opal
The Clarisonic cleansing brush broke ground with their ultrasonic cleansing technology. The company didn’t stop there. Realizing the product-penetrating action of the technology, the Clarisonic Opal Sonic Infuser was born. This palm-sized sonic infusion device was specially designed to help build skin’s resilience over time. By gently tapping a rubber tip to the skin around your eye at 200+ sonic movements per second, the Opal Sonic Infuser helps reduce under-eye puffiness and dark circles while maximizing the absorption of eye serums and wrinkle-reducing creams in a way that’s not possible with your finger alone.
$185 at clarisonic.com
Do you have a skincare power tool you like? We’d love to hear about it in the Comments below!
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